stylish rider checking wheel pressure

Understanding Your Rights Following a Motorcycle Accident

As spring ushers in the return of motorcycle season, enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the open road. For many, riding isn’t just a mode of transport; it’s a passion. Studies even reveal that hopping on a bike can significantly boost mood, reduce stress markers, and heighten sensory focus. It’s a liberating experience unmatched by driving a car.

Yet, riding a motorcycle carries inherent risks. Despite your precautions, a momentary lapse in a motorist’s attention could lead to severe and lasting injuries.

Even a seemingly minor motorcycle accident can have serious repercussions. While a typical car collision might leave the driver rattled but largely unharmed, the same incident involving a motorcyclist could result in a range of injuries.

Unlike cars, which have seen advancements in safety features, the fundamental design of motorcycles has remained largely unchanged. A motorcyclist heavily relies on their skills to evade serious harm.

In 2020, Alberta saw a significant rise in motorcycle fatalities. The Motorcycle Safety Society (MSS) reported 21 fatalities, up from 11 in 2019.

A study revealed that one in four individuals hospitalized after a traffic accident in 2010-11 were motorcyclists. These riders typically suffer injuries to their lower extremities, including fractures, sprains, dislocations, contusions, and abrasions. Road rash, a painful injury resulting from sliding across the road, is also common.

These injuries can lead to long-lasting or permanent damage. Additionally, there’s a risk of head trauma, spinal injuries, or even fatalities.

crashed into the car

Protecting Yourself on the Road

Transport Canada recognizes motorcyclists as vulnerable road users due to their limited protection in case of a collision. Riders are not always easily visible to other drivers.

It’s crucial for every rider to master traffic maneuvering skills. Constant vigilance is required, as well as heightened awareness of distracted or aggressive drivers, road irregularities, and potential hazards.

While protective gear and safety courses can reduce risks, there’s always an element of unpredictability. The MSS provides valuable safety tips, such as remaining vigilant, avoiding distractions, and utilizing proper protective gear. Contact our car accident lawyer to avoid such situations.

What to Do if You’ve Been Injured

nsurance companies often categorize motorcycle riding as high-risk. However, this doesn’t negate your right to compensation if you’ve been injured. Your entitlements will hinge on the nature and severity of your injuries, which may impact your ability to work and overall quality of life.

Consider factors like potential lost wages, future earning capacity, medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and necessary home modifications. Don’t settle hastily after an accident; fight for your rights. We’ll evaluate your claim and assist you through the intricate insurance claims process, operating on a contingency fee basis. Our fee is a percentage of the settlement you receive, whether through negotiation or a court judgment. Contact our car accident lawyer Toronto today for a free consultation.

 miserable woman crying while calling for help over mobile phone after a car accident