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Collisions Involving Commercial Vehicles

As drivers, we have all encountered commercial trucks during our outings. For some, sharing the road with a truck can be a nuisance. They are difficult to see around; they can be slow-moving and take up a great deal of space and, let’s face it, a truck can be intimidating when you are driving near one. Scarier still is the thought of being in an accident with a tractor-trailer.

However, trade is the lifeblood of the Canadian economy, and the trucking industry is a crucial element in ensuring the delivery of goods. Without commercial trucks, the economy would grind to a halt. There are more than 300,000 truck drivers working in this country. According to Statistics Canada, 90 percent of the 72.9 million freight shipments in Canada were hauled by truck in 2017. One hundred thirty-four thousand for-hire trucking companies are operating on more than one million kilometres of double-lane roads, generating $67.8 billion in operating revenue.

About 2,000 people are killed, and 165,000 are injured in traffic accidents each year in Canada. Statistics show that you are more likely to be involved in a collision with another motor vehicle than a truck. But, catastrophic injuries in an accident with a truck are higher due to their sheer size.

Your world can be shattered in a collision with a commercial vehicle, and there is much to consider when you are making a claim for benefits. Ensuring you receive all you are entitled to can be complex and may require substantial medical evidence and expert opinion. At Ontario car accident lawyer, we are here to help. We can provide the advice and access to resources you need to build your case, and we work on a contingency basis. That means our fee is a percentage of the settlement we recover on your behalf. Contact our car accident claim lawyer today for a free consultation.

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The danger on our roadways

You might be surprised to learn that if you laid all the roads in Alberta end to end, you would have enough to drive to the moon. According to CBC News, our province is home to nearly a quarter of Canada’s entire roadways. That is the equivalent of about 473,000 kilometres in a single lane. Ontario may be twice the size of Alberta, but we have nearly as many roads. That’s because there are many people to connect with over large distances, CBC reports.

Recent statistics reveal there are more than five million vehicles registered in Alberta, which includes one million trucks. With that many roads and vehicles, accidents are bound to happen. Transportation Alberta reports there are close to 400 collisions in this province daily.

More than 90 percent of road crashes are the result of human error or conditions. And many of the same contributory factors can lead to an accident involving a motor vehicle or a commercial truck. This includes driver distraction, fatigue, following too closely, impaired driving, not driving according to road conditions, speeding or unsafe lane changes.

There are other aspects to consider with commercial vehicles. For example, if cargo is not properly secured it can shift and result in a loss of control. Large trucks are more difficult to handle than an average automobile because of their size and weight, especially those with large cargoes. Trucks sit higher and blind spots are more significant. They also need more space to brake and take more time to come to a complete stop than the average motor vehicle. Most of us have seen the aftermath of a collision between a truck and a car, where the truck may only have minor damage while the car absorbs most of the impact.

When a truck loses control, the consequences can be devastating or even fatal. A truck that rolls over or jackknifes can do significant damage to vehicles in its path. If a truck takes a sharp turn too quickly, it can tip over.

Trucks that tailgate can do significant damage if the vehicle ahead is forced to stop quickly. Drifting between lanes or not checking blind spots can cause sideswipe accidents that can total a motor vehicle and lead to life-changing injuries.

Truck drivers are regulated

Driver fatigue can be a contributory factor in an accident. For that reason, carriers and drivers who operate within our province are governed by the Alberta Drivers’ Hours of Service Regulation. These rules apply to commercial vehicles that are registered for a weight of 11,794 kilograms or more and commercial vehicles with a manufactured seating capacity of 11 persons or more, including the driver.

Carriers and drivers who operate commercial vehicles in multiple provinces, territories or states must also adhere to Canada’s Commercial

Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations.
These rules govern how many hours a driver can work (up to 13 hours) and how many hours of rest are required (eight) before starting another shift. Depending on the circumstance, drivers must keep logs of the kilometres driven, where they went, when they take breaks and when they sleep.

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